Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bitter. :))

Here it goes, all the people around me has a messed up relationship. My mom, my sister, and oh, even my friends. Even my dad actually. My mom and my dad already broke up when i was little. My sister already ended their relationship with her boyfriend, they've been together for almost 4 years! And oh, i also know how my guy friends act when their girlfriends are not around. :) Even my father teases me and telling me to get myself a boyfriend... Well seriously? How can i trust someone with my own heart if i actually know how people jerk off? I know that's part of any relationship. But WTH?!

So that's the reason why i've never had a boyfriend. :)) I wanna be with someone forever. although forever doesn't exist for most people. but what if i'm one of the few people who can only experience that kind of love? Put yourself on my feet, Will you take the risk? will you just ignore whats actually happening around you? Or are you gonna wait? wait for that special someone that will make you feel the magic of love?

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