Monday, December 5, 2011

I've been scanning my blog on tumblr and look what i've found :))))

"Dear Mr. Stupid,

I was attracted by your charm , looks, attitude, and by your EVERYTHING. I always find you cute , i always talk about you with my friends. Do you know how i feel when you smile at me and talk to me with your wonderful manly voice? When that happens, it gives me chills and a sensational feeling that cannot be replaced by any happenings in my life. When i’m with you, its like the ticking of the clock just stopped. My world stops when I’m with you . But then … months later , you began to be a suitor of a woman. I was there , pushing you to do things to please her even if it really hurts . I still have the guts to paint a smile on a face. too bad even you can’t read it. Then a week later , you and her are together . I dont even know what to say and what to do… i dont know if i’ll cry nor be happy. Even if the both of you are already together, i still visit your profile in this social network … stalking you, reading some sweet messages from her … even though it hurts , i still acted like i don’t care. when the both of you are in a quarrel, i dont know if im going to be sad for the both of you or be happy for myself. i know i sound so selfish … but i just cant help myself seeing you with that girl knowing her past relationships, stories and perhaps some dirty experiences .. I know this might sound awkward but you just dont know how i care about you .. i was really worried that you might end up heartbroken because of her .. but then, a couple of months had past .. i have no choice but to accept the truth that you will never be mine. I was ready to love someone who loves me just the way i love you that time .. but still , you are still in my heart and in my mind. I even rejected that person because im still hoping that you’ll love me too. And know, i’ve been inlove with you for a couple of years now.. and here i am now, im still hoping. I know i sound stupid. but I’m willing too WAIT.


a stupid girl who's foolishly waiting .

“Maybe its wrong to say please love me too co’z i know you’ll never do” "

And so i was like ..

WTF ?! I wrote this?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Shet :| Eto siguro ung time na inlove ako dun sa 1st dance ko nung prom . hahaha. ayoko mag sabi ng pangalan. lol. nako nako. Grabe. nagulat ako. 9 mons ago ko to ginawa. halos hndi ko na maalala na nagkagusto ako skanay ni minsan. :) Eto ang nag papatunay na makakamove on ka lang pag natauhan ka na. XDD


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